Quramo Publishing has announced an extension of the deadline for manuscript submissions for the Quramo Writers’ Prize.  The new deadline, according to an update made known on the publisher’s QTimes newsletter, is now set for June...
da block
da block

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With almost 1,000 book, music, movie, and sundry reviews and essays published over the past four (4) years, we remain resolute in our belief that reviews offer us the first critical engagement with a work of art, books, movies, music, plays etc, because they help shape opinion, excite conversation, and push engagement.As we enter our 5th year, we remain committed to providing a unique space for interrogating our literary and artistic output and providing a handle for the audience and those in the academia to assess these works of literature and art.
Movies transport us through visuals, dialogue and action. This year, we had some stand-out moments in the Nigerian movie industry which continues to grow and reach new audiences enabled by streaming platforms. The Black Book and Jagun Jagun made streaming...


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Book Reviews

As the title suggests, Osezua’a book chronicles the history of the bride of the hydrocarbons from its very beginning, his role in it and early enthusiasm shown towards a workable national gas policy, the consequences of not tapping into it early enough, the crude politics and power play involved, the betrayals and in-fighting among the big players in the sector.

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